Change your thinking change your life!

Using affirmations can create a joyous, fulfilling and prosperous life. You have the possibility of improving yourself and your life, and for achieving success.

“If you knew how powerful your thoughts were, you would never think a negative thought again”

Peace Pilgrim

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are statements that you say either out loud, or quietly to yourself. They are usually short sentences that are repeated often, which triggers the subconscious mind to make the positive statements come true.

Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. Without realising you might be using affirmations in your daily life. You’re affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought. Crazy right?

Using affirmations daily

Your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying, and it will attract similar events or situations into your life. So why not choose positive statements and attract more positivity back to you?

Imagine that you are running around a track with your friends. They manage to run 5 laps, something you have never done and since you want to do as well as them, you show them you can do it.

You start running, and in your mind you start repeating, "I can do it, I can do it" as you keep thinking and believing that you will manage to run 5 laps, what are you actually doing? You're repeating positive affirmations.

Negative affirmations

So lets look at it in a different situation that you might find yourself repeating. "I cannot do this", "I am going to fail", "It will not work for me"

If you repeat these kinds of words, you lose motivation and faith and what you fear and keep telling yourself eventually becomes true. This is negative affirming.

Therefore, it is important you train your mind to think more positive thoughts and affirm positive statements daily.

Repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, will counteract the effects of the positive words.

If you want positive results you have to refuse to think negative thoughts. Simply, think positively whenever negative thoughts fill your mind.

Will affirmations help me?

Repeating positive affirmations will help you focus your mind on your goal. It also creates mental images in your conscious mind (the mind you think with) that affect the subconscious mind accordingly. This process is similar to the way visualisation works.

Furthermore, you don’t need to force yourself to believe your affirmation, simply repeating it over and over will naturally have an effect on you!

How to affirm

  1. 1
    Repeat positive affirmations that are not too long
  2. 2
    Repeat them often when you're not busy, such as when travelling on the bus or train, walking, waiting in line etc.
  3. 3
    Stay relaxed as possible when repeating the words
  4. 4
    Pay attention to the words you repeat
  5. 5
    Use present tense, for example "I am wealthy now" not "I will be wealthy"

So think happy thoughts, it’s that simple. The way you choose to think, right now, is just that-a choice. You may not realise it because you’ve thought this way for so long. 

Remember, your life won’t turn around overnight, but if you’re consistent and make the choice on a daily basis to think thoughts that make you feel good, you’ll definitely make positive changes in every area of your life.

10 positive affirmations to use daily

I am healthy and happy

I am getting wealthier each day

I am calm and relaxed in every situation

My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way

I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have done

I am surrounded by love

I have a wonderful and satisfying job

I am successful in whatever I do

I am attracting a better and happier life everyday

I am confident and capable of achieving anything I set my mind to

Umesh Surila

Umesh is a fashion enthusiast who aspires to provide guidance to men regarding fashion styles and offer his expertise on how to look & be more of a gentleman. 

Alongside this he also provides his practice and life experiences on Meditating, Gratitude and Law of Attraction. When he's not helping people with fashion or self love, you can catch him at the gym or drinking coffee with friends!