Meditation Practice

Most people put off meditation like a plague. Reasons being some find it a struggle to do or they say they don’t have enough time. Furthermore, those who try it say it doesn’t work.

When you first begin a meditation practice, you’re agitated, you tend to move a lot and your thoughts are constantly running through your mind, making it hard for you to quiet the mind. This experience alone can leave you feeling drowned and defeated, as silence appears an impossible goal.

By meditating you are relaxing the body and quieting the mind. Firstly, you need to commit and intend to take time out daily to meditate. Once you achieve this you will begin to learn to focus your mind on your breath and body. Furthermore, when thoughts do arise you will be able to bring your attention away from that thought, resulting in a quieter mind and the possibility of manifesting your wants and desires.

Quieting the mind

Attempting to quiet your mind for meditation can be challenging. It feels like a tennis match between you and your mind as you try quieting your thoughts.

Quieting the mind is clearing your mind from excessive thoughts. Once you manage to quiet the mind your vibration raises, which in return will allow attracting all that you desire. To achieve the quieting of your mind you have to let go and trust that your inner self, beyond your mind, will take you where you need to go. Don’t fight your mind as the more you try this, the harder meditation will become.

I find meditating in the morning to be the best time as your mind is fresh and it is not overpowered with thoughts running through your head. Remember, meditation doesn’t mean sitting quietly for 20/30 minutes per day, you can meditate for 1, 3 or 5 minutes too. Starting off small will help you stay on track!

Tips on h​ow to quiet the mind

  1. 1
    Find a quiet place
  2. 2
    Sit up with back straight
  3. 3
    Breathe in for 3 seconds
  4. 4
    Hold for 3 seconds
  5. 5
    Breathe out for 3 seconds
  6. 6

Meditation and Law of Attraction

Your thoughts start from your conscious mind and whatever you believe will move into your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a genie, whatever you consistently think about whether it is real or imagined your subconscious mind will accept and the law of attraction will find a way to bring to you what it is you desire.

For example, if you keep saying to yourself that you feel it will be a bad day, you’re subconsciously putting out that thought and the Law of Attraction will make sure that you attract all the things and circumstances to ensure that your day goes as badly as you believed.

"What you think about, you bring about"


Some do not believe that this is true but let me ask you this. Have you ever thought about someone, or spoke about him or her and suddenly out of nowhere you receive a phone call or text from that person? This is the Law of Attraction.

Learn to control your thoughts, feelings and mind and you will begin to manifest the things you desire. Additionally, you will manage to switch a negative thought into a more positive one allowing your vibration to heighten and strengthen. The higher your vibration the more positive things you will begin to attract into your life!

Few points to remember from this article;

  • Commit and intend to take time out daily to meditate​​​​
  • Start off small and gradually increase duration over time 
  • Your thoughts become things
  • The higher your vibration the more positive things you will attract

Umesh Surila

Umesh is a fashion enthusiast who aspires to provide guidance to men regarding fashion styles and offer his expertise on how to look & be more of a gentleman. 

Alongside this he also provides his practice and life experiences on Meditating, Gratitude and Law of Attraction. When he's not helping people with fashion or self love, you can catch him at the gym or drinking coffee with friends!