Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

What if I told you by changing your thinking you can change your life. You'd think I'm crazy right? Well in this post I will show you how you can change your life around just by changing your thought process.

Whether you believe it or not we all have the potential to create the life we want. But in order to do that, you first have to understand the power of your potential and the critical role your thoughts play in the creative process.

Life can sometimes be a battlefield, at times you will be at war with yourself, I for one can relate to having a constant battle during the 2017-18 years. The causes of these battles vary for each individual. It could be a loss of a loved one, a bitter divorce, depression, financial problems, and the list goes on and on.

However, one thing is for sure, these emotional battles you have with yourself on a daily basis can impact your life and well-being in the long run. 

Your Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts create your reality as you experience it. Your life right now is a direct reflection of what you are focusing on - what you think about and what you believe is true.

So if life is a journey, is your current life filled with clean blue sea or a rough stormy wave? What has been your experience so far, and if it's not what you want, how can you change it? 

"The only limits in your life are the ones you create with your mind"


Limiting Beliefs

Most limiting beliefs have been created by one experience or bad memory, or have been passed down by parents, teachers, or other role models.

However, just because you've grown up with a belief doesn't mean you need to continue with that belief, especially if it's not working for you.

When your approach is positive, your beliefs will be positive. When your approach is negative, it's hard to reverse and over time, negative thoughts will create limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are statements such as:

  • Life is a struggle.
  • I’ll never live my dream.
  • I’ll never find someone who will love me for who I am.
  • Things never go my way.
  • My life is one big mess.

Thinking these limiting thoughts will feed into your subconscious mind and will bring more similar situations or events for you to believe to be true. Once this happens, you have lost your battle and now your life has been taken over by your thoughts, which are shaping your reality. 

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Experiences

As mentioned in my post for 'Quieting the Mind' - "Whatever you think about whether it is real or imagined your subconscious mind will accept and will find a way to bring to you what it is you desire."

Now I'm not saying it is easy to just think positive thoughts because believe me it is not. It is only human to feel bad feelings and think bad thoughts during difficult times and it is a lot harder to give thanks for the good things in your life when so much is being lost.

Nevertheless, if you expect to prevail during tough times, you must understand that it is your current perception of the situation that either gives you hope or makes you want to give up. If you're always thinking how badly life is treating you then you will always feel miserable.

Being miserable will not attract good things into your life, so if you want to change your life for the better, start by consciously changing what you think and what you say. 

Reframing Your Thoughts

Reframing basically means seeing things from a different perspective. Exercising your mind to think a different thought will create a different belief. Reframing your thoughts will help you remain optimistic and hopeful.

When thinking limiting beliefs try to reframe them, for example:

  • "Life is a struggle," becomes, "Life can be challenging, but it's helping me grow."
  • "​My life is one big mess," becomes, "Life isn't going my way, but things will change."
  • "Things never go my way," becomes, "I realise that things change, and there is something better waiting for me."

When something is frustrating or disappointing, it can be difficult to remain positive. By reframing a situation with a positive affirmation, you give yourself room to think differently. What might have started as a problem, can in-fact be a blessing in disguise.

At times your troubles aren't so critical compared to the larger issues happening across the world so just remember, things could be worse. When you are faced with a disappointment, reframing your thoughts can lead you to appreciate what you already have and remind you that you are blessed with a freedom and abundance, something not many people have!

Lastly, becoming conscious of your thoughts takes a bit of work at first, but once you realise how much time you are spending on negative thoughts such as worrying, limiting beliefs, you will learn to reframe them quickly and transform those limitations into unlimited beliefs so that you can start creating the life and the experiences that you really want!

Umesh Surila

Umesh is a fashion enthusiast who aspires to provide guidance to men regarding fashion styles and offer his expertise on how to look & be more of a gentleman. 

Alongside this he also provides his practice and life experiences on Meditating, Gratitude and Law of Attraction. When he's not helping people with fashion or self love, you can catch him at the gym or drinking coffee with friends!